Genetic reportsI don't know how many people frequent this forum, I visit every now and then, but I was wondering how many people here have had their genetics tested by a...Reactions0reactionsComments8 replies
Facial PainHello All! I have been experiencing migraines since my junior year of college- about 5-ish years ago. Since then, my migraines are getting more and more frequent. I have all...Reactions0reactionsComments12 repliesDiagnosis
How to surviveMy migraines have gone chronic the last year, it has been 7 months since I have had ANY pain free moments, even pain meds only bring it down to a...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
What is Safe to Eat Vegetarian- Pumpkin Seeds?Hello, I eat mostly a vegetarian diet and I'm trying to do a really strict diet to stop this migraine cycle. So far it seems I can only eat Rice...Reactions0reactionsComments6 replies
AllodyniaI've had migraines with aura for years and was prescribed topamax almost 10 years ago to combat vision loss attacks. It definitely has reduced the length, intensity and occurrence of...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesDiagnosis
Left Sided Facial Pain Relatedt to Migraine?Hi Everyone, I've suffered from migraine headaches since college. In the last year my migraine patterns have changed, though, probably due to age (I'm 45) and also trying to have...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesDiagnosis
Major relief using EAD Electro Auricular Devicehave tried every treatment for my migraines since they began forty years ago. Two years ago my migraines began worsening significantly. I started becoming allergic to all my medications, almost...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
BotoxI received my first round of Botox injections in mid-May. I am due for my next round next month. They have really helped me a lot but it feels like...Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies
HaldolHas anyone ever heard of an ER giving Haldol as an abortive medication?...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTreatment article ideaI'd like to see an article on perceptions within the Migraine community. I am a blogger with chronic migraine who mostly chooses to address humorous and/or positive attitudes I encounter...Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies