Sometimes I Just Don’t Feel Well, and I Don’t Know WhyThis is a hard one to write because I feel like I’m describing something nebulous that I hardly ever mention to people. But I figured I’d give it a try...Reactions0reactionsComments201 comments
Taking Care of Your Basic Needs While Dealing with Head PainBrushing your teeth, let alone making dinner, may seem simple to someone who lives day-to-day blissfully pain-free. Living with head pain, episodic or chronic, makes these simple tasks seem insurmountable...Reactions0reactionsComments16 comments
On-the-Go BlenderI love my morning smoothie! It has become a staple in my morning routine because it helps me stay consistent with a diet that helps me to best manage migraines...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Migraine Treatment and the COVID-19 VaccineDoes migraine treatment change the efficacy of or cause safety concerns with the COVID-19 vaccine?Does the COVID-19 vaccine have any interaction with or impact on the efficacy of migraine treatments?Should...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Will It Ever End?I climb out of bed, hopeful today I’ll get to go for a walk, even just around the block. In the short time it takes to get to the bathroom...Reactions0reactionsComments35 comments
My Cool Migraine RegimenIt can be really hard limiting migraine’s hold on us. In a time of isolation and constant screen watching, it’s more important than ever to listen to what our bodies...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Teaching My Kids It's Okay to Say You Aren't OkayI have two teenage daughters who are amazing human beings. As their mom, I know I am biased! Over the years, my parenting has changed. In the early years I would push...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
How Weekly Mental Health Check-ins Help Coworkers and FriendsIn mid-March of 2020, I made a big announcement: Avid Bookshop, my bookstore in Georgia, would not be allowing any browsers inside. Instead, we’d do phone and online orders only...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Looking Back: We've Come Farther Than You Think!Human nature all too often seems to be slanted towards seeing what is missing and the negative. We see what still needs to be done. We take note of what...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Possible Pain Pal ChallengesOne of my greatest assets for dealing with chronic migraine and other chronic illnesses, has been being accompanied by a furry pain pal. There is something about the endless love...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
One of These Migraines Is Not Like the Other: Diagnosing Migraine Without AuraWhen I was a kid my mom liked to tell me I was unique. She’d smile and whisper in my ear that no one was exactly like me. Her go-to...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
What's Your Secret: SupplementMany people living with migraine are taking daily preventative and frequent rescue medications. The condition forces us to spend days in bed and that, in combination with the medications we...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
How Technology Brings Both Convenience and Confusion: Results of the Connected Health SurveySometimes, it feels like we are surrounded by technology. Apps, devices, trackers, and gadgets are everywhere! In this digital age, though, everyone has a different level of comfort using technology...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Create a Safe Space for Riding Out Cluster Headache AttacksTrigger Warning:The content includes information related to mental and emotional distress and it might be upsetting to some people. Cluster headaches don’t care if you’re at work or on vacation...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
How My Partner Handles Her Head PainRelationships have never come easy for me. As an actor, and overall romantic, I’ve been fueled by media and love portrayals engrossed with perfect moments and happy endings forever. The art...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
What Are Your Migraine Treatment Goals?When asked what your migraine treatment goals are, "to make them go away" or "to stop the pain" may seem like the obvious answers. Based on a friend's experience, I...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Getting Married with MigraineOh my goodness, migraine community, I am getting married! This feels like a big deal. Not only because it is a huge life development and I get to build a...Reactions0reactionsComments26 comments
Thank You for Taking Our Survey!We appreciate you taking the time to answer all of our questions. Your responses will help us better understand life with migraine. New here? We invite you to explore what...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Interview with Lisa Benson on Chronic Migraine and New TreatmentsLisa Benson is an artist, writer, and community volunteer. She sculpts using clay and plaster and also works doing sculpture restoration. She had undiagnosed migraines since she was a child...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Do Our Doctors Influence Our Treatment Decisions?Migraine isn’t a disease whose burden can be carried alone. At times, that burden can be managed by medications, alternative therapies, self-care, and trigger avoidance. Our treatment decisions carry a...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments