When The Home Life Needs BalanceIn relationships with two healthy partners and relationships with a sick partner, it is easy for one individual to seem to bear the brunt of everything. Sometimes it is as...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Breaking Up With Red WineRed wine is a common migraine trigger for many individuals, with or without being chronic. Originally, it was not one for me and I would have a glass of wine...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
The Baby QuestionIt’s four o’clock in the morning. Your baby has woken up crying its lungs out for the fifth time. Soothing the poor teething creature with a common cold back to...Reactions0reactionsComments37 comments
Dear Migraine, It's Not You, It's Me...We need to talk. You might want to sit down. We've been together for about twenty years now. You've been a faithful companion for as long as I can remember...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Vestibular Migraine Linked to Increased Anxiety, Say ResearchersThe link between anxiety and migraine disease is well established. Those of us with migraine experience anxiety disorders at two to five times the rate of people without migraine, and...Reactions0reactionsComments12 comments
Migraine In America 2017: Migraine Frequencies - Exactly How Different Are They?We conducted a large survey of people who have migraine, and asked many questions about what it’s like living with different types of migraine. We then examined the type of...Reactions0reactionsComments21 comments
Getting to Know GretchenWe have an incredible team of contributors here at Migraine.com, and are introducing some of our newest members by highlighting their "Ask the Experts" questions from Migraine Awareness Month. Gretchen...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Video- Thanks Let Down Migraine...After a stressful, yet productive, three weeks of travel, I got an aura out of nowhere the day after I flew back home across the country. I was so proud...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Lessons Learned: Using the Spoon Theory to Prioritize My HealthIf you don't know the Spoon Theory, you should read it. It was written by Christine Miserandino. She talks about explaining dealing with chronic illness, using "spoons" as an analogy...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Why you need to prioritize your health todayThis video is for those who know they have been delaying taking care of themselves and their migraine disease. So please watch: Lag is inevitable, but as I explained, the...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Why Wasn't I Chosen for a Clinical Trial?In any clinical trial, participants must meet certain criteria to be eligible to participate. There are two commonly used terms when describing clinical trial eligibility, and those are “inclusion criteria”...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Why do we seem so withdrawn?This is a video you can share with close family and friends to explain why we may appear withdrawn or not ourselves when we are dealing with migraine. It was...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
CGRP: 5 Essentials to KnowResearchers are still searching to uncover the pathology that causes migraines, in hopes that by understanding how they develop, new treatments can interrupt the disease process and prevent migraines from...Reactions0reactionsComments15 comments
My Dead End Search for the Root ProblemWhen I was first diagnosed with chronic migraine, I was obsessed with finding THE root problem, and thus the answer to make migraine go away forever. So were my parents...Reactions0reactionsComments18 comments
You Are Not AloneLife with migraine can feel like traveling alone to an unfamiliar country on the other side of the world. The journey can be long, lonely and stressful. People with migraines...Reactions0reactionsComments13 comments
Community Featured StoriesNearly every day on Migraine.com, members take the time to share their very personal migraine story and journey with us. Whether it be to share advice, tips, looking for support...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
When Migraine Whispers Poison in Your EarYou know those times when you’re lying in bed, doused in peppermint oil, aching all over, nauseous, maybe with your ice pack positioned just so and a mounting pile of...Reactions0reactionsComments105 comments
Ever Wanted to Gift a Migraine?For years now, I have worked with people who have chronic migraine, and most of these individuals have people in their lives who are not very understanding of what they...Reactions0reactionsComments58 comments
Whack-a-mole: Chasing Freedom from PainAs we seek freedom from pain and related symptoms of migraine, it can end up feeling like we are playing a crazy and awful game of whack-a-mole. With a medicated...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
When Pain Means MoreWhen living with chronic pain, sometimes we end up missing the important signs our bodies are trying to give us. Pain is one of the ways our bodies try to...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments