Warrior versus Zen MasterWhen it comes to Migraine, I find myself struggling between the roles of Warrior and Zen Master, unsure of which to embrace. Visualizing myself as a warrior in the fight...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
From Chronic to Episodic: An Illustrated JourneyA doctor once told me that migraines are like a river. She said my health is a bridge, and if the migraine river is overflowing, I won't be able to...Reactions0reactionsComments26 comments
When Chronic Migraine & Motherhood Becomes RealityThe wonderful news I announced last spring that my husband and I were expecting a baby girl after so many years trying led to a much longer hiatus from the...Reactions0reactionsComments12 comments
Trying to be more understanding of others' triggers and sensitivitiesIn summer 2012, I wrote what I thought was a super-honest article for migraine.com about how I sometimes struggle(d) to find empathy for other migraineurs. You can read the whole...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Dear Body, Why Do You Hate Me?Dear Body, why do you hate me? I take care of you. I eat healthy…except when you crave French fries. I exercise as much as I can until you retaliate...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
Puffy Eyes And The Changing Face Of MigraineAfter a relatively good week, I woke up with a migraine today. My head felt totally stuffed up and snotty, and I had the perhaps naive hope that simply blowing...Reactions0reactionsComments26 comments
Triggers Versus ProdromeOver the past 40 years, a lot has been learned about migraine. One of the things we've learned is that attacks can start hours before the onset of pain. This...Reactions0reactionsComments41 comments
Food Allergy Testing for Migraine TriggersIs food allergy testing a good way to test for migraine triggers? This is a common question when people are overwhelmed by the details of an elimination diet. The answer...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
A Closer Look at “The Salt Cure”There is a tip making the rounds on Facebook that you can stop a migraine by drinking salt water. Some even suggest adding lemon juice. There is also someone promoting...Reactions0reactionsComments93 comments
9 Things People With Chronic Migraine Want You to KnowThere are at least 9 things those of us living with chronic migraine want you to know. Chronic migraine is not the same as chronic pain. Migraine is known for...Reactions0reactionsComments48 comments
Why It’s So Hard to Identify Food TriggersIf you’ve tried to track migraine triggers, you’ve probably gotten frustrated by how difficult it can be. Here are some of the reasons it’s tough to identify specific food triggers...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Why I Quit Faking ItWith friends, at work, at the doctor’s office, in casual interactions in public… every situation Katie mentioned in Faking It is a situation in which I have faked it. I...Reactions0reactionsComments16 comments
How a local, independent pharmacy helps me with migraine careHaving trouble affording your meds or getting advice? Try your local pharmacy! For many years, I was like a lot of people in that I automatically went to chain pharmacies...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Migraine is StressfulIn all the ways we talk about the relationship between stress and migraine, very little attention gets paid to a critical element: migraine itself is stressful. Individual migraine attacks are...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Who's driving your bus?Imagine that your life with Migraine is a bus. Sometimes it’s going somewhere and other times it is stalled or parked alongside the road. Regardless, it is YOUR bus. Do...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Too much Facebook for the Migraine Girl(Written on February 21, 2015.) Today I turned thirty-five. I wasn’t upset to turn thirty five years ago despite having been warned that that would be a tough age to...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
Weird migraine symptom: a deep sense of forebodingWe all seem to have an eclectic assortment of prodrome symptoms, signs that a migraine attack is moving in. I have migraine with aura, and auras (changes in vision, tingly...Reactions0reactionsComments22 comments
My Weirdest Migraine Home Remedy ToolPressure on my head or pulling my hair gives me some relief during a migraine attack. One night I started to drift off while squeezing my head but woke right...Reactions0reactionsComments111 comments
A Balancing Act – Opioid Use Throughout HistoryNothing creates controversy in the migraine community quite like the topic of using opioid medications. It doesn’t matter what the position or facts presented, someone will disagree. It is an emotionally-charged...Reactions0reactionsComments17 comments
Tips for Staying Sane on an Elimination DietAvoid prepared foods (this actually simplifies the diet!). Pretty much every prepared food contains something on the list of foods to avoid. There are so many different additives/ingredients and so...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments