Medication Overuse Headaches - Need to end them - Help!...I'm not working right now so it can't be stress. I know I'm having MOH headaches due to the amount of abortive meds I'm taking.... By 6sbm261 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments5 comments
migraine hell...The things that tend to set them off are sunlight, heat, stress, worry, eating a lot of sweets/chocolate.... By helpmenow931 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Let's Stop Blaming Ourselves for Causing Our Migraines...Sometimes, unusual stress or strong emotions are followed by especially bad symptoms..... By lee6141 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments8 comments
Dealing with Migraines daily...It is like they think that you are faking it and it seems to just stress me out.... By 1ulgog1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments1 comments
My head is a pain......Probably lack of sleep, too much sleep, stress, relaxation, and noise can add to the snowball effect of getting a good migraine.... By galleng1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Using My Smartwatch Info to Take Charge of My Health...It's very obvious what my sleep pattern looks like when I'm under stress, in pain or when I am feeling really ill.... By Kelly J.2 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Trying to pinpoint triggers...I always thought "stress" was the highest trigger. Now I'm not so sure. I have eliminated red sauce, chocolate and more....Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
How Migraines have Changed My Life...My Neurologist believes my new job will hlep my stress and migraines. I look forward to life with improved migraines.... By dblmintwin5 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Living with migraine: what helped me...I don't know if it is because I grind my teeth (causing head stress) or something, but I have to lay still, get relief, THEN go to sleep. Try... By amyd3 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Menstrual Migraine Story...I handle my migraines so much better now, by monitoring my sleep and diet, as well as stress.... By northstar851 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments1 comments
What Can a Caregiver Do?...We had more time for other things and the decrease in our stress level was huge. About the time that we moved, my wife went on the Buchholz diet.... By addinaction2 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Chronic Migraine : Pharmacologic Management...Biofeedback has been shown to be effective in reducing markers of physiologic stress, including nitric oxide, in migraine patients.... By Editorial Team 2 min readBookmark for later
Not severe enough for Topomax?...The majority of my migraines are hormonal, with a few being stress or weather-related....Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Feverfew therapy in addition to meds ...Under times of extreme stress, or when I wind up missing out on sleep (which happens often as I'm a nursing student) the migraine strength and count goes...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesTreatment
topamax and skin collagen...If you add stress, sun exposure and smoking, that can increase the normal decline. I used to have very full cheeks....Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesTreatment
Chronic Anxiety over Migraine-what to do?...I have had migraines for years due to high stress or hormones that seem to be imbalanced....Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
How do you keep a job with having frequent migraines...I have lost 2 jobs due to my migraines and the strains and stress of losing my job / penalties inflicted (dropping pay tiers for missing too many days)...Reactions0reactionsComments6 replies
“Chris’s Migraine Story” - an update...I went to stress counselling, but I didn't feel stressed.... By cristofer2 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments1 comments
My life with Migraines...Eventually I learned to manage my stress and my migraines and I was able to go back to my “normal” life. A few years later I got married.... By adriennecavanaugh3 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments3 comments
“Migraine Brain” Part V – Emotional control...That instinct takes over when we are under stress. It takes a lot of practice to identify and respond appropriately to our emotions.... By tammy-lrome4 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments0 comments