Running out of time...I am in the last few days of my FMLA (about 14 days) and I would like advice or suggestions....Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesChronic
How do you keep a job with having frequent migraines...I know some companies offer FMLA but that is usually only after a year of service....Reactions0reactionsComments6 replies
Open Letter to My SSD Judge...You are asking me to check in with someone who has a degree for them to document that they don't know the cause, yet I provided all my FMLA... By tphreh3 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Boss Discusses My Migraines w/ Co-wowrkers...I had to discuss my migraines with my supervisor to get her to sign my FMLA paperwork....Reactions0reactionsComments4 replies
Migraine everyday...I went back to work in December but I now had FMLA for migraines, depression, and anxiety....Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Finding Wonderful Relief!...I missed countless days of work and was only able to keep my job because of FMLA.... By jude333 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Topamax & Botox still losing my mind in pain...I have an intermittent FMLA leave of absence filed with my company, but I work most days.... By amy535153 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Chronic Migraine and Work...My FMLA is out, my short term will end soon too and then I think if I don't go back to work I will lose my job and my...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Trying to live with this pain! My journey....They suggested I speak to my doctor and go on FMLA. Finally on April 20,2015 I got 1 month off.... By yqr41h3 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Relief Through Occipital Nerve Stimulation...I decided to take my legally afforded 12 weeks off work through the FMLA, put my life on hold, and travel to Chicago where my family was, hoping I... By juliannealley3 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Please Talk me off the always in pain, I have expectations at my job (and will more than likely be fired since I have only been here a few months and am not covered...Reactions0reactionsComments17 replies
Migraines and Short Term Disability...I have intermittent FMLA and I also got a short-term disability insurance policy through work in May 2013, just in case I ever needed it....Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Having a Really Tough Day...I have FMLA and because of the work that I do there aren't many accommodations that can be made for me. I am so frustrated and angry....Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Do I have kidney problems?...stories of doctors not caring about my health as much as I do or making mistakes with diagnoses and meds, resulting in being hospitalized and going on FMLA...Reactions0reactionsComments6 replies
Tip of the iceberg...I have read the posts about this place and their reluctance (refusal) to get involved (even write a letter) with FMLA or (heaven forbid SSI) even short... By tracylea3 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Struggling at Work...I have intermittent FMLA. I use it very sparingly....Reactions0reactionsComments13 repliesWork & Employment
Meno(non)pause Migraine Melo(NOT)drama!...I do have FMLA for work/migraine only. Okay - that is enough for now. And if you read this bless you with no headaches!... By divandiva4 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments24 comments
Hormonal Migraine and My Hysterectomy...That's what I told my colleagues at work when I took a couple of weeks of FMLA.... By Elizabeth Roberts-Zibbel6 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments12 comments
Work, and what's the point in my life now?...I know I'm lucky that they aren't trying to fire me and that they put me on intermittent Fmla instead....Reactions0reactionsComments12 replies
Vestibular Migranes And Continual Computer Use At Work...I’m not eligible for FMLA. Unfortunately, there is just no way I can try and work and focus on a computer the way I feel....Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies