Workplace Woes and 'The Talk'I feel as though I am always walking a fine line of employed and not-so-employed when it comes to balancing my work life and my migraines. Along with other illnesses such...Reactions0reactionsComments23 comments
Alone In a Sea of MillionsI can almost count the people I know in real life who have migraine on one hand. A cousin, an aunt, a neighbor, my father-in-law, a mom of my son's...Reactions0reactionsComments27 comments
Migraine Detective: On the Trigger CaseIf you are new to migraine, having been recently diagnosed, or have had migraine for years and are ready to change your relationship with the condition, you might think of...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
What Migraine Looked Like For Me on This Particular Day: #Migraineselfie #MigrainevideoMigraine attacks are beyond tricky: they're different from person to person, and any one patient can have different symptoms from attack to attack. Here you'll see a rather unattractive video...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Why Do I Pretend to be Well?I caught myself tuning out of a pleasant conversation with a coworker recently, wherein we were discussing our evening plans and checking in generally with one another to see how...Reactions0reactionsComments140 comments
What’s Your Secret: Cold or Hot Therapy?Many migraineurs are drawn to extreme temperature remedies for relief of pain. A heating pad or a cold compress can make all the difference when we are seeking comfort. In...Reactions0reactionsComments57 comments
My Daughter and the Triptan Pregnancy RegistryWhile looking yesterday for articles to link within a piece I recently wrote, I accidentally came upon a story about the Sumatriptan Pregnancy Registry I participated in with Zo...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Music & Migraines: Tips For Enjoying Live MusicHeading out on the town to see a band play a loud concert, in a brightly lit music venue full of smells that are interesting at best, and outright bad...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
What’s Your Secret: How Do You Handle Nausea?Nausea is a well-known symptom of migraine as well as a side effect of many migraine medications. Many anti-nausea medications cause severe drowsiness and are therefore not a great option...Reactions0reactionsComments82 comments
What’s Your Secret: Submit Your Questions! is a rich and thriving community and every member is a vast resource on the topic. Although migraine is very prevalent, few of us know many, if any, people...Reactions0reactionsComments19 comments
Opinions on Chronic Migraine Treatment OptionsI came across an article discussing how many individuals with migraine were unhappy with their treatment plan based on the Migraine in America 2016 national survey. From my own personal...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Clinical Trials as a Treatment OptionWhen you’re dealing with a major health issue or condition, it’s helpful to know that in addition to standard treatment, complementary or alternative medicine, clinical trials may provide another treatment...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Speaking Gobblygook During MigraineWhile I have difficulty finding words during many attacks, usually I'm talking to friends, my husband, or my coworkers when it first happens. (When I'm at one of my bookshops...Reactions0reactionsComments19 comments
“Migraine is not a 1 or 0 thing”When I asked Canadian Migraine Specialist Dr. Elizabeth Leroux why migraine research and treatment is so egregiously underfunded in proportion to the widespread disability it causes, she noted migraine stigma...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
Waiting to LiveI’ve been doing it for years: canceling get-togethers with friends and family, missing important events, putting off work projects, avoiding going outside. Putting plans on hold and waiting for the...Reactions0reactionsComments63 comments
10 Things You Should Know About Clinical TrialsEach year thousands of clinical trials occur. Learning about clinical trials can feel like you are learning a new language. The good news is that there are lots of resources...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Virtue of Not Having Tried "Everything"If you've dealt with migraine disease for a long time, you probably have said the following phrase: "Oh, I've tried everything." I am most tempted to say this when a...Reactions0reactionsComments24 comments
Utilizing The InternetWhat we all know as the internet today is leaps and bounds above what it was when it was originally created. It was conceptualized back in the mid 1960’s by...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
What If They Were Gone Forever?I often ponder what life would be like without frequent pain and disability after having it in my life for so long. (What person with a chronic disease doesn’t ponder...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
3 Causes of Early Morning Headache One Cannot Afford to MissWhen I was practicing, I often saw patients with this complaint in migrainer’s and non-migrainer’s alike. The key was recognizing a change of pattern for those who had existing history...Reactions0reactionsComments28 comments