Year in Review...It's hard to believe that, as I write this, 2012 is only hours away. The last months of my life have been among the most difficult and the most meaningful...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
My whole life has been lived with a migraine in the backdrop...Now, at age 35, i live migraine free for about a year. It took most of my adult life going through trial and error with doctors and medicine to get...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
Dealing with my migraine...Hello my name is Shonie Ross and I have suffered from migraines fro 8 years. When i first started getting them i thought something was seriously wrong with me in...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Jenney's story...I was diagnosed with migraines and cluster headaches at age 14, when I woke up screaming and thinking my head exploded. My mother, who also suffers from migraines, asked me...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
A Lifetime With Migraines...My name is Nancy. I am a 54 year old woman who suffers with a chronic daily Migraine disorder. It feels as though I have been suffering with migraines for...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Prodrome Symptom...Silly question, but has anyone else noticed an increased loss of eyelashes for a couple days before the onset of a migraine? Bizarre, I know. I'll get what I call...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Migraine Research: Your Gift Can Go Twice As Far!... Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, all new donations made this last week of the year (December 26-31, 2011) will be matched dollar-for-dollar! That means your gift...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
I've got to stop these meal-skippin' ways...Y’all, I have been a million times worse about not practicing what I preach than ever before. I haven’t been on more than a couple exercise walks all fall, and...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Aspartame, a Potential Migraine Trigger...Aspartame is found in over 6,000 food products as well as in carbonated/non-carbonated beverages that contain artificial sweeteners, including diet soft drinks, sports drinks, iced tea, fruit drinks, and powdered...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Migraine Symptoms: Yawn, Yawn, Yawn..."Stop yawning, or go take a nap for a few minutes." I can just hear my dad's voice, exasperated after my tenth yawn in a row (probably without covering my...Reactions0reactionsComments72 comments
When to See a Doctor for Your Migraine? Or the ER?...With Migraines, there are times when one of our more difficult decisions can be whether we need to see a doctor. Or maybe we need to go to the emergency...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
Migraines with frequent fevers, what is it?...Hi, my name is Ashley. I have had migraines since between the age of 7 or 8 years old, I can't seem to remember too much of when it all...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Kerrie Smyres...Kerrie Smyres has lived with migraine and chronic daily headache since she was 11. Now in her early 40s, Kerrie tries to live by the philosophy that migraine is only...
Wounded Head...When I was 8, I thought it was completely normal to have head pain everyday, and then get the occasional terrifying migraines every now and then. As the years passed...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Part-Time Pain...I've suffered from migraines since I was about 8 years old. When I was young they were something I dealt with now and then, using Midrin. In high school they...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Why does the Emergency Department treat me like a drug seeker?...“Headache” pain is ranked as the #4 reason for Emergency Room visits in the United States, yet it is rarely a life threatening condition requiring emergent care or hospitalization. In...Reactions0reactionsComments18 comments
Is a week without a migraine possible?...As a 28 year-old, I've had headaches for as long as I can remember. When having a headache every day of my life was all I'd ever known, I didn't...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Sick animals and sick people...My little kitten, Wally (whom you’ve met before!), has not been herself lately. In early November she was spayed, and she never quite recovered. The spaying surgery put stress on...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
You've Been Denied: What Can You Do Now?...Being denied by your insurance company for coverage of a treatment, procedure or medication can leave you feeling helpless. It feels as though insurance companies have all the power and...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Who are we, anyway?...Many people in the headache community refer to a person who gets migraines as a ‘migraineur.’ I disagree. I strongly prefer the term ‘person with migraine.’ Which is a better...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments