Migraines and Other Medical ConditionsI'm curious, for those like me who have multiple medical conditions, how do migraines and those conditions interact. A big one for me is panic attacks with my migraine aura...Reactions0reactionsComments16 repliesAwarenessCopingTriggers
Dizziness with migraine?I am in the stage where they are trying to find a med that will help with my migraines which unknowingly I had all my life. Qulipta did nothing. I...Reactions0reactionsComments15 replies
Migraine with auraI am 54 years old and experienced my first migraine when I was 25. My doctor at the time put me on Prozac. He told me that it was an...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesMental HealthAuraTreatment
A member would like to discuss migraine with aura (often called ocular) symptoms"I get Ocular migraines with Aura. Could we have a discussion with people who experience these types of migraines and what they feel like when they get an episode."...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesTreatmentSymptomsAura
I Have 3 Prescriptions for Different Health Issues that Now Can Be Used to Treat MigrainesI have chronic migraines and I've taken Nortriptyline 50 mg. as a preventative for many years now. I recently found out that my two other medications, Atenolol for blood pressure...Reactions0reactionsComments7 replies
In search of a new doctorHi, I've been having migraines for 14 years due to a concussion. I saw that there was an article on how find a good neurologist. I've been with my neurologist...Reactions0reactionsComments15 repliesChronicTips & Advice
migraine an PNESDoes anyone have non epileptic seizures? I have been diagnosed with PNES and vestibular migraines. I also have absence seizures. Ive had mri's ct scans, and eeg's. Everything is normal...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesAura
May sound like a strange question but how do you pass the time when a migraine hits?Hi everyone, been having migraines for 30 years, they last for four days, I'm currently on day two. I'm sitting here wondering how others cope with getting through the days?...Reactions0reactionsComments134 repliesSymptoms
Hi! Newbie with a question Hi, Obviously a years-long sufferer of migraines. Tried almost everything except Botox as insurance won’t cover. Most medications either don’t work or I had to stop due to significant rise...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesTreatment
Car dashboard light triggers migraine at nightI wanted to see if anyone else has had this problem and perhaps what they did to resolve it. I recently bought a new car, but didn’t know what the...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesTriggersTravelTips & Advice