14 year old with migraine and scary symptoms Hi My daughter unfortunately has started to develop migraines over the last year. She is 14 and her first one was when she was 13. I also suffer but seems...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
My Experience with the Newer AbortivesSo I have another lengthy discussion going on Migraine.com with regards to my experiences with Vyepti as a preventive. After years of using Triptans (with limited efficacy), a couple of...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Migraine HelpFor 5 years I have been taking Aimovig 70mg for my debilitating migraines. It has eliminated my headaches. I was getting the medication free through the drug company’s savings plan...Reactions0reactionsComments6 replies
Eye-Roll Worthy CommentsMigraine isn't "just a headache." We've said it so often that we sound like broken records and every time we do, we wonder, "How is this disease still so misunderstood...Reactions0reactionsComments170 repliesAwareness
Vacuums In the past I did a post about how big vacuums where an instant trigger for me and the possibilities of why that might be and how to prevent them...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesTriggers
Increased migraines after Botox?Hi all, I got a botox injection two months ago, which seems to have worsened my migraines significantly. Before, I was getting about 7 migraine attacks a month (15-16 headache...Reactions0reactionsComments16 repliesBotoxChronic
What are my alternatives now?Hi, I know this is long but the experience may help other sufferers. I have had SEVERE Chronic Classic Migraines, Mixed type for 42 years. I have had at least...Reactions0reactionsComments6 replies
Too Sick to Vote😭I’m quite depressed today because I want to vote. But I’m feeling much too sick and weak to stand in line, and the lines are long here this year. I...Reactions0reactionsComments5 replies
Increased Migraines After Botox – Seeking Advice and Alternatives for Pain ReliefHas anyone had a similar experience after their first round of Botox? Did a second treatment eventually help reduce the frequency of attacks? I’m trying to weigh my options and...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesAura
Rhizotomy ProcedureHas anyone had a Rhizotomy procedure? I am considering this as my neurosurgeon thinks my headaches may be caused by Osteoporosis in my neck. I’d love to know whether this...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTreatment