Infusion Therapy Center Locations?I am at my wits end! I have Chronic Daily Migraine, although I've had migraines since age 14 & am now 73, they have been all types of frequencies throughout...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTreatment
Prodome length vs severityAnyone notice a trend with their prodrome symptoms and severity or length of migraine symptoms? I've had a rough go the last few months (chronic headaches every day and many...Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies
Headache during sleepHi, I'm a 28 yo male and I suffer a night sleep headache since I'm 21. The pain is always in my right temple and is pulsing and I can...Reactions0reactionsComments4 replies
Migraine and DisabilityI've had migraines on and off for most of my life (since I was 10). I'll get them for a few years, manage it, they'll go away for a few...Reactions0reactionsComments5 replies
New 1st post looking for help pleaseHI, I have a headache nearly everyday, which I didn't take much notice of as my symptom of lightheadiness and floating feeling is worse than the headache. I could get...Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies
Aura with or without headacheStarting in 2010 I started getting silent migraines every 1-2 months. They would start as a circle of grey with flickering colors and zig zags that would spread into a...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesDiagnosis
GEMASSIST BRAIN AWARENESSI started Gemassist in 2010 with logo. Now, I am Gemassist Brain Awareness. I include Migraines on my website and Facebook page and blog. I sell my logo and many...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
Disability LawyersI want to know if anyone knows of a good disability lawyer in New Jersey? Thanks,...Reactions0reactionsComments14 replies
Almost constant headachesI'm going to give a brief explanation of my medical history, doctors I've seen and some questions. Sorry for the lengthy post but I just have a lot of questions...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesDiagnosis
XR EpigeneticsI was wondering if anyone had any experience with this company. It is rather expensive so I'm wary of trying it, but I haven't gotten any help from the last...Reactions0reactionsComments7 replies