Social GracesFrequent cancellations due to migraine kept me from making plans with friends and family for a long time. Finally I felt comfortable telling loved ones that when I make plans...Reactions0reactionsComments20 comments
The Validation of a DiagnosisIn the summer of 1993, when I was just 13 years old, I suffered through what I think was the first major migraine attack of my life. I had had...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Remembering that I’m not the only one affected by my migraine diseaseIn times of particularly bad health, I tend to get hyper-focused on myself and the ways migraine and other chronic illnesses are impacting my life. When my migraine disease really...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Fermented Foods for Mental HealthFermented foods (and beverages) have been a part of cultures around the world for thousands of years, as fermentation provides a way to preserve foods, gives them additional nutritional value...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Tips for Accessing's Federal Insurance MarketplaceAs a freelancer with a pre-existing condition who is married to an entrepreneur, I've been early awaiting the opening of the Affordable Care Act's health insurance marketplace. Like the rest...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Migraines and "I can't" - Necessity or Habit? Holding Us Back?When we live with Migraine or chronic Migraine, there's an abominable word that we're forced to use all too often - the word "can't." That's a word I loathe because...Reactions0reactionsComments12 comments
When Your Neighbors Give You a Headache. Literally.Once again the buzz, buzz, buzz sound woke me from sleep at 5:30 am, and once again I knew it was coming from the apartment upstairs. I would never have...Reactions0reactionsComments48 comments
Waking Up with a Migraine…or not!You know the feeling. Your alarm clock rings and, as you turn over to hit snooze for the first of ten times, you sense that heavy, cottony sensation in your...Reactions0reactionsComments29 comments
Have any tips for healthy eating at home?Read and share healthy tips and recipes in the comments below! My partner and I have been having a tough summer as far as our respective health situations go. His...Reactions0reactionsComments24 comments
8 Reasons Not to Ignore Episodic MigrainePeople with episodic migraine receiving inadequate treatment are three times more likely to progress to having chronic migraine than those who have an effective treatment, according to the American Headache...Reactions0reactionsComments27 comments
Invisible IllnessNot only does migraine bring a wide variety of debilitating symptoms that can wreak havoc throughout one's entire body, it comes with the frustrations of having a highly stigmatized illness...Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments
Odorless Cleaning Products for the Scent-Sensitive MigraineurFor the scent-sensitive migraineur, finding cleaning products that won't trigger an attack can be difficult. In my years of searching, I've found some excellent products, both store-bought and homemade, that...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Postdrome: The Migraine Hangover"Postdrome" is the official term for that wrung out, exhausted, headachy feeling migraineurs experience after the most painful and intense phase of their migraine attack has passed. Calling this stage...Reactions0reactionsComments87 comments
What a Migraine Attack is LikeThis "guided visualization" is a way to help non-migraineurs understand what a migraine attack is really like. It walks the reader through the most common symptoms of the pain phase...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
Short-Term Option for Migraine Prevention: FrovaFor many women with migraine, their menstrual migraines are the most disabling. Research shows that menstrual migraine headaches last longer and are associated with a greater level of disability than...Reactions0reactionsComments16 comments
The Difficulty of Conversing During a Migraine AttackThough personality assessments have me riding the line between introvert and extrovert, most people who know me will tell you that, without a doubt, I am a poster child for...Reactions0reactionsComments328 comments
My Favorite City, Another Migraine LossI'm house-sitting in Seattle, my favorite city in the world, and where I lived for six years. It is the place that feels like my home, despite not having grown...Reactions0reactionsComments18 comments
When a new trigger emergesOh hello, new trigger. Please do NOT come in. I firmly believe that the majority of my migraine triggers have been with me since the beginning of my life as...Reactions0reactionsComments16 comments
What parts of treatment are you doing RIGHT?Anyone with a chronic health issue like migraine disease is, more than likely, barraged with advice both good and bad. The advisors almost always dish out tips and tricks from...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Community Views: Your Best Tips for Migraine ManagementWe all know there is no “one-size-treats-all” approach to migraine management, but sharing personal tips and tricks can often be helpful. At, we’re typically in the position of offering...Reactions0reactionsComments40 comments