What's Your Secret: Dealing With AphasiaAphasia - or experiencing the challenge of finding words or speaking, is a common prodrome for many migraineurs. A lot of us have stories of being in the midst of...Reactions0reactionsComments42 comments
What to Eat During MigraineWhen you’re in the midst of a migraine you may not have the best appetite. In fact, you may be flat out nauseous at the idea of eating like I...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
What’s Your Secret: What Do You Do For Exercise?I know I am not alone in struggling to find a way to exercise that does not exacerbate migraine pain. Our migraine specialists encourage us to move, stretch, and if...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
How To Use the Aimovig Self-InjectorThe newly FDA-approved Aimovig self-injector device by Amgen is the talk of the town when it comes to migraine preventatives these days. It blocks a protein, called CGRP, believed to...Reactions0reactionsComments22 comments
Unmedicated Hemiplegic MigraineThis is a raw, unedited, unfiltered video of what it feels to live with Hemiplegic Migraines and coming off medication. Side effects are increased, my aphasia has worsened and the...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
What's Your Secret: Allodynia-Dealing with Hair PainIn this What's Your Secret video we'll be discussing allodynia, the sensation of hair follicle, scalp and skin tenderness and pain. We talk about what it feels like, as well...Reactions0reactionsComments16 comments
What's Your Secret: TasteFor many of us, changes in how things taste or extreme cravings can signal an impending attack. What we eat can also be a powerful and common trigger. In this...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
What's Your Secret: More Than Just A HeadacheDo you remember the reporter who started speaking gobbledygook in the middle of her on-air interview a few years back? It became a heavily-circulated example of how migraine can impact...Reactions0reactionsComments18 comments
My First Really Bad Migraine AttackIn this video I talk about my first really bad migraine attack. It involves some rookie mistakes and misunderstandings about migraine that I have definitely learned from. First, sorry the...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Forgotten on the 4thI wanted to share my story about a 4th of July not too long ago where a migraine attack led me to be sequestered away and forgotten... I'd love...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
What’s Your Secret: Strange Symptoms and Side EffectsMigraine can cause a wide array of odd neurological symptoms related to the condition and side effects from medications. Rarely do migraines impact two people in the exact same way...Reactions0reactionsComments21 comments
What's Your Secret: Travel TipsIs it possible to navigate the high stress experience of a travel day without triggering a migraine attack? With the bright lighting and loud noises of airports; the pressure changes...Reactions0reactionsComments13 comments
Let's Talk about Mental HealthMental health and physical health are often linked, with one impacting the other. Mental health, in particular, can be difficult to talk about with others, leaving people isolated and without...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
What’s Your Secret: How to Manage Light Sensitivity?Many migraineurs experience light sensitivity as one of the many side effects of the condition. When in the midst of an attack, normal lighting can seem extremely bright and painful...Reactions0reactionsComments31 comments
Magnesium for Weather-Triggered Migraine AttacksAfter several years of no longer having weather as a migraine trigger, it suddenly became a trigger again. After some sleuthing, I figured out the culprit. Even though taking magnesium...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
What's Your Secret: Should I Stay or Should I Go?Is my pain too severe to proceed with my plans? If I go ahead will I risk increasing my pain to the point of no return? What if I end...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
What’s Your Secret: How To Express You’re In Pain Without Sounding Like You’re A Complainer?One of our community members posed this important question to our What’s Your Secret Video Series page and we thought it worth posing to the rest of the community. How...Reactions0reactionsComments27 comments
What Migraine Looked Like For Me on This Particular Day: #Migraineselfie #MigrainevideoMigraine attacks are beyond tricky: they're different from person to person, and any one patient can have different symptoms from attack to attack. Here you'll see a rather unattractive video...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
What’s Your Secret: Cold or Hot Therapy?Many migraineurs are drawn to extreme temperature remedies for relief of pain. A heating pad or a cold compress can make all the difference when we are seeking comfort. In...Reactions0reactionsComments57 comments
What’s Your Secret: How Do You Handle Nausea?Nausea is a well-known symptom of migraine as well as a side effect of many migraine medications. Many anti-nausea medications cause severe drowsiness and are therefore not a great option...Reactions0reactionsComments82 comments