Cheers to 2020I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. I get it, it’s a new beginning, and who doesn’t love a fresh start? However, I find them to be very...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Planning for a Migraine-Free WeddingMy fiancé and I got engaged earlier this year and quickly got thrown into the wedding planning process. I realized quickly that if I wasn’t careful the stress of this...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
What’s Your Secret: First Migraine StoryIn this What's Your Secret video, Holly shares her first migraine attack story and invites the rest of the community to follow suit. Do you remember your first migraine attack?...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
What's Your Secret: Surviving the Grocery Store with MigraineThe fluorescent lights alone can be enough to trigger or exacerbate a migraine for many of us at the grocery store, let alone smells and sounds. But we need food...Reactions0reactionsComments17 comments
When Life is a TriggerDo you ever hit an unavoidable life situation that triggers an attack (or string of attacks)? It's Lisa here from and I want to talk about a recent life...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
What's Your Secret: PostdromePostdrome is also known as the "migraine hangover." It's the last stage of a migraine after the attack abates. In this What's Your Secret video, we discuss tips and tricks...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
What’s Your Secret: 5 Go To’s That Help You Manage Life with Chronic MigraineWe all have things we count on when we feel a migraine coming on. Over months or perhaps years of managing life with chronic migraine, we each have learned ways...Reactions0reactionsComments78 comments
Tell Us About Your ChildhoodThis June, for migraine awareness month, we want to know when your awareness of migraine came about! In our 2018 Migraine in America survey, we found that 56% of respondents...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
How to Use Emgality Self-InjectorMany of us are sent home with the Emgality self-injector, a delivery device for the CGRP treatment medication, after perhaps one demonstration by our physicians. This video is a demonstration...Reactions0reactionsComments44 comments
10 Ways Migraine Makes You FeelAlthough there are over 36 million people living with migraine in the US alone, there is no one emotional response to navigating this incredibly challenging neurological disease. We are introducing...Reactions0reactionsComments35 comments
Three Ways Migraine Prepared Me to Be a ParentWhen we think of migraine we often think of the negative aspects: missed work or school days, cancelled plans, doctor bills, lonely days in bed, days in pain trying to...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Guided MeditationMeditation has been shown to have multiple benefits on a person’s health, both physical and emotional. Regular meditation can help relieve pain, increase positive emotions, and improve memory and concentration...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Breathing ExercisesFocusing on the breath is a technique used to help calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. There are many forms of breathing exercises. In this video, renowned naturopath...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Better Sleep with Essential OilsSleep is key to better health, but especially better migraine management for me. Generally speaking, I’m a good sleeper. I fall asleep easily and aside from a bathroom break or...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
What's Your Secret: How to Handle Your Doctor's RetirementIt can take years to find the right migraine specialist. Establishing a good fit, a healthy dynamic and solid relationship is a journey. Working through various treatments can be exhausting...Reactions0reactionsComments34 comments
Video Series: "What’s Your Secret"In the "What’s Your Secret" video series questions that have been asked by our community members are brought to life! Check out all these 'hot' topics below & learn...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
What's Your Secret: SuperpowerAttempting to flip the script on migraine to see it as having any positives can be a challenge. In this What’s Your Secret Video, we invite you to do just...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
What's Your Secret: Touch - Hair & Skin SensitivityKnown as allodynia, skin and hair follicles can become overly sensitive to the touch. This condition has a well-documented relationship with migraine. In this What’s Your Secret Video, we discuss...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
What's Your Secret: SightThe eyes can be a powerful part of the migraine puzzle. From how our eyes appear when an attack is pending, to the role of aura, to how exquisitely sensitive...Reactions0reactionsComments15 comments
The Best Essential Oils for MigraineI consider essential oils to be like food – another gift from nature to support us in maintaining good health or even healing our bodies. So, I decided to explore...Reactions0reactionsComments62 comments