Advil…why are you breaking up with me?...A 3rd took the edge off and 6 hours later, a second dose of 2 killed it....Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesTreatmentCGRPTips & Advice
Congenital Heart Defects, Liver Damage and Migraines...Is there anyone else out there that has a CHD and developed migraines and liver damage? Please I need to know i'm not the only one....Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Temple pressure really good?...I press my temples with my fingertips a lot during migraines....Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
Migraines becoming chronic...One day I think I even had an abdominal migraine (I didn’t know they even existed). I can’t see my Dr until I get back...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesChronicCoping
Conversation of the Week: The Unpredictability of Migraine & Mental Health...The unpredictability of living with migraine can have so many effects on our lives....Reactions0reactionsComments124 repliesMental HealthGuiltDepression
Depressed...It'll come sometime in the afternoon, either around lunchtime or toward the end of my workday, and it will affect everything about me from Reactions0reactionsComments5 replies
All in one migraine symptom reliever?...Hey y'all! I was wondering if anyone here knew or had advice for finding the best solution to relieve migraine symptoms Thanks!...Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies
Abdominal Migraines-Adult...My abdominal spasms are so severe that I have to go to the ER every time to get a shot of Haloperidol and that tends to...Reactions0reactionsComments12 repliesNewly Diagnosed
Are our migraines all in our head?...At one time, this topic would have triggered me. If anyone dared to tell me that my migraines might be in my head I...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesCopingChronicTreatment
Migraines and family life...Hello, my husband has had chrnonic migraines for the past year. We have two young children. He is an involved and enthusastic father....Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesCaregiving
Unusual Ajovy side effects...My headaches are much less frequent....Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies
Ever changing symptoms - Insane Nausea...or the strange electrical twinges that occur in my head? Does anyone else have this type of horrible nausea?...Reactions0reactionsComments4 replies
Feeling Dizzy and Weak for weeks - HELP!...I am really tired from this and I feel like doctors cant really point a finger at the problem, any one here feels the same?...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSymptoms
Complete hysterectomy & hormones...Has anyone dealt with having migraines after having a complete hysterectomy and you are unable to take hormones due to them causing you to have migraines...Reactions0reactionsComments6 replies
Is disability an option for someone with Hyperosmia/migraine?...Even in the hospital I work for. One whiff of any synthetic chemical and migraine takes over....Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesInsurance & Disability
Does Anyone Else Experience Headache Pain From Alcohol?...Not a sip of wine, beer, etc. can I sip without a headache hitting me in an hour. Even with Aimovig injections every 30 days....Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Where can migrainers go to meet people?...Bars/clubs are definitely out of the question and even private parties (like at someone's home) are too noisy/loud....Reactions0reactionsComments9 replies
Migraines triggered by smells...It even gave my husband a headache....Reactions0reactionsComments17 repliesSymptoms
Pinpointing My Triggers....Could anyone help me here? How do you pinpoint on one thing?...Reactions0reactionsComments6 replies
Lifelong chronic migraines and new(ish) loss of general, but the working theory is if it's being caused by the implant, then removing it should help....Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesDepressionCopingHormones