Device idea to help with migraine triggers tracking – Seeking feedbackHi everyone, I am a Master student in Industrial Design and I have an idea of a product to help with migraine symptoms and triggers monitoring. I would like to...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesTriggersTips & AdviceDiagnosis
Conversation of the Week: The Unpredictability of Migraine & Mental HealthThe unpredictability of living with migraine can have so many effects on our lives. Something that can at times be overlooked is how this unpredictability impacts our mental health. I...Reactions0reactionsComments157 repliesMental HealthGuiltDepression
Has anyone else had severe dizzy spells along with loss of balance?I have read that this is linked to migraine. What does anyone else think? I have such frequent migraines, it is hard to tell. The dizziness and balance problems are...Reactions0reactionsComments25 repliesSymptomsCopingDiagnosis
How do you feel about your current migraine treatment plan? Is your plan working for you? Have you had to try multiple types of medication to get to where you are now? What has your experience been like searching for...Reactions0reactionsComments156 repliesTreatmentTips & Advice
DietI've been using the Migraine Summit's elimination diet for almost 2 years, still having chronic daily Migraines but with somewhat less severity some days. When I showed it to my...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesDiet & Nutrition
Idiopathic Intercraniac HypertensionDoes anyone else have this? I was just officially diagnosed. My neuro was thinking it was a possibility, and we did a lumbar puncture. The results were positive, my cranial...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesDiagnosisNewly Diagnosed
Epidural for Migraine?I just had an MRI. Shows arthritis in the cervical spine. I’m wondering if that is what is triggering migraines. The doctor recommended the epidural. Not sure what I should...Reactions0reactionsComments8 replies
How to migraine reliefMy husband has been experiencing headache since Oct 23. He has been experience throbbing pain and pulsating feeling in the head. He also had nasal congestion and neck pain. it...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesCluster Headache
Occipital migraine My migraines have always been up the back of my head very very painful in the occipital nerve. I now have them almost every day and I'm waiting to see...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesChronic
BewilderedHi it's me Susan. I recently had a MRI to find out why I was getting migraines. The MRI showed spine damage and she mentioned operation or alternative cortizone shots...Reactions0reactionsComments4 replies