Five Things About Migraine I Don’t UnderstandMigraine is a weird, often confusing disease. Even though I've lived with it since childhood and been an advocate here on since 2014, there are still things about both...Reactions0reactionsComments25 comments
Why Reyvow Is a Big WOW for the Migraine Community!There is a new reason for hope! This October we saw the exciting FDA approval of a new class of migraine abortives, REYVOW, also known as lasmiditan. The results from...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Botox and Ajovy; A One-Two PunchI received my first Botox injections in June of 2018 after jumping through all kinds of hoops to get it approved. I had no expectations for the first round of...Reactions0reactionsComments33 comments
When Life is a TriggerDo you ever hit an unavoidable life situation that triggers an attack (or string of attacks)? It's Lisa here from and I want to talk about a recent life...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Cost of Wellness - Affording the CGRPsThose who are experiencing wellness for the first time in years because of the CGRP medications may be feeling as if they are living on borrowed time. This is due...Reactions0reactionsComments72 comments
I'm a Stay-At-Home-Mom with Migraines: Here's My PlanI’m a Virgo. This makes me a sensational planner with a fabulous attention to detail and an amazing knack for being right. Virgos are also modest. I’m not sure my...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
What It's Like to Live with Hemiplegic MigraineLately, the first obvious sign of a cluster of migraines coming is being very confused a lot of the time, feeling like I am in a maze of distorted mirrors...Reactions0reactionsComments37 comments
Three of My Wackiest Migraine TriggersOver the years, I’ve become my own migraine detective. I do my best to follow the clues my body leaves in order to understand what works best to keep my...Reactions0reactionsComments47 comments
CGRP Inhibitors and Realistic ExpectationsI've never quite understood the fatal attraction of rollercoasters! As the mother of three boys, I spent the better part of two decades trying in any way that I could...Reactions0reactionsComments22 comments
Parenting While Managing a Chronic IllnessWhether or not you have a child, most individuals would agree that parenting is hard. Although there is no right or wrong way to raise a child, new trends, latest...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Finding Empathy At The Infusion CenterBeautiful smiles wearing masks as they get their ports accessed and other lines like mine hooked up. I’m in the company of other people there daily, whom I don’t know...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Parenting and FatigueBeing a parent is a tiring job, and often, life with a chronic illness comes with fatigue. Together they can be a recipe for complete exhaustion and feelings of defeat...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Seven Tips for ParentsNavigating life with a chronic condition like migraine can be challenging. Adding children and parenting stress into the mix can make it feel like an impossible task at times. No...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Prodrome, It’s Just the BeginningProdrome is the first stage of symptoms for a migraine attack. It can start hours or even days before the attack begins. It is subtle and often creeps into our...Reactions0reactionsComments42 comments
Cluster Headache Diagnosis TodayIn part 1 of an interview with Bob Wold of Clusterbusters, we learned how long it took for Bob to receive his cluster diagnosis. We wondered what it was like...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
An Open Letter to My Doctors“Please don’t give up on me!” I find that thought going round and round in my head every time a doctor’s appointment is pending. It’s a silent plea that rarely...Reactions0reactionsComments37 comments
Lost in the Fog: Aphasia and Brain FogAphasia is a condition where the communication center of the brain has neurological issues. It normally occurs in people who have had a stroke. Migraine attacks have symptoms that are very...Reactions0reactionsComments44 comments
What is the INvisible Project?The INvisible Project is a magazine that aims to make invisible illnesses more visible to the outside. Each edition tells the story of ten people or families who live with...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Tell Us About Your ChildhoodThis June, for migraine awareness month, we want to know when your awareness of migraine came about! In our 2018 Migraine in America survey, we found that 56% of respondents...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
How to Use Emgality Self-InjectorMany of us are sent home with the Emgality self-injector, a delivery device for the CGRP treatment medication, after perhaps one demonstration by our physicians. This video is a demonstration...Reactions0reactionsComments44 comments