49 Years Later...Editor's Note: Content warning - This story contains experiences with self-harm. My life as a migraineur started when I was 8 years old. Our family doctor was convinced I was...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Mystery of his 24/7 Migraines...Hi my boyfriend had a stroke in August 2021. It was called a Migraine Infarction Stroke. Rare and no one knows what to do for him. The severe migraines never...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
The Worst Migraine of My Life...Have you ever had a migraine that was so bad, so intense, so painful, that you thought it might literally kill you? I had one of those last night. While...Reactions0reactionsComments32 comments
Treating Migraine...I wanted to share a tip that works for me to get rid of an active migraine. I get hormonal migraines that usually last two days. At the onset I...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesHormonesTreatment
The Space in Between: Interictal Migraine Phase...People like me who suffer from chronic migraine may have no real relief from their migraine attacks. Even with treatment, we still suffer from those symptoms. The term interictal phase...Reactions0reactionsComments56 comments
Compounding Effects of Trauma With Headache Diseases ...I want to have a tough conversation today. Adverse childhood events (ACEs) affect 61% of Americans, and 16% of adults have experienced four or more. Adverse childhood events (there are...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Will you take our In America survey and help others understand the true impact of migraine?...To better understand the patient experience and realities of migraine, we are fielding our 11th Migraine In America survey. By taking this anonymous survey, you can help everyone better understand...Reactions0reactionsComments0 replies
Nausea with Qulipta...Lifelong male migrainer here, 69 next month. I have more than 15 episodes a month, so I qualify for a daily medicine. My doctor prescribed Qulipta, which reduces symptoms pretty...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesChronic
Vertigo with migraines ...I've experienced vertigo with migraine in the morning for over 20 years. I now have during the afternoon or evening when experiencing visual and sound distortion migraines. I see as...Reactions0reactionsComments13 replies
Positional headaches...Does anyone have these? I’ve been experiencing these for about a year now on top of regular headaches and migraines. So tired....Reactions0reactionsComments9 replies
When Big Emotions Are Triggers...For many of us who live with migraine, crying is a trigger. So is being overly excited or anxious. Even experiencing extreme joy can trigger a migraine for some. How...Reactions0reactionsComments18 comments
Summertime Hydration...We hear a lot about the importance of drinking enough water in a day and it’s for good reason. The majority of us are walking around chronically dehydrated. Some signs...Reactions0reactionsComments36 comments
Documenting Your Symptoms...There are certain clues I now know to look for that display changes in my symptoms to me and my neurologist in a helpful way. Recently, I've seen a lot...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Neurologist prescribed Cefaly? ...My neurologist prescribed a Cefaly a device made in Belgium. He advised that as I got chronic migraine this was the best option. Yesterday I had a strong migraine. Although...Reactions0reactionsComments23 repliesChronic
Neurology ...New here. I have an appointment with a neurologist in two weeks following a diagnosis of chronic atypical migraine (onset 10/2021) Also seeing a PT and a DC and sleep...Reactions0reactionsComments20 repliesChronicNewly DiagnosedTreatment
Safe preventatives for migraine ...Hii lovely community! I’m scheduled for a consult with a headache specialist soon. Eager to find out what preventatives are safe (with zero to minimal side effects). Preventative meds that...Reactions0reactionsComments10 replies
My New Migraine: Did I Just Have A "Thunderclap Headache?"..."Help me," I called to my husband from the hallway. It was like a drummer felt the need to pound out his loud rhythm on my forehead — and then set...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
When Your Migraine Is Telling You Something You Don't Want to Know...My migraines increased in frequency with the pandemic, my pandemic divorce, and my pandemic stressors. They also changed and have become less debilitating overall. I can power through one now...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
Migraines back after years ...Hi all, just joined today after looking through the forum and seeing how helpful and comforting the people are here. Sort insight to my migraine history, I'm a 37yr old...Reactions0reactionsComments6 replies
Herbal Teas...My momma always made me tea with mint, tilo (Spanish Linden Flower), and chamomile. When those migraines were unbearable, she'd make me this combination of tea. It wouldn't take away...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments