Aimovig and Ajovy - No luck...Hi all, I started my first dose of Ajovy several months ago. The first shot eliminated some of my migraine attacks but the second one basically did nothing. I was...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
"Mommy My Head Hurts"...Since I was a child around 6 years old coming home from kindergarten saying “Mommy my head hurts”. I was told that I would have dinner and then eventually vomit...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Migraines: My Severe Chronic Pain for 9530 Days Straight...Since May 1995, I have had an intractable migraine EVERYDAY. That makes 9530 days consecutively. I have 3 main triggers: getting overheated, stress, and a drop in barometric pressure (rain...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
Living with Daily Migraines...Hi, I’m Tiffany. I was diagnosed with chronic migraines in my early thirties. My migraines aren’t normal. I get migraines due to the fluid traveling around in my brain. When...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Pain & Migraine at School...Hello, It's been almost 7 years since I have been living with migraine. I am 25 yrs old and a medical student. It has been very difficult to live with...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Type 1 Diabetic With Intractable Migraine...I was 16 when I started having Migraine pain and symptoms 24/7. Up until the year I turned 16, I only had 4 years of experience with type 1 diabetes...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Aimovig stop working...I am a chronic Migraine sufferer whom has been taking Aimovig for the past 2 years. I had great positive results with NO daily or huge monthly Migraines during that...Reactions0reactionsComments12 repliesTreatmentCGRP
Hair loss...Hello everyone. I am new to this site and I am so glad to be a part of a community of people who are similar to me. I am 21...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesSide EffectsNewly DiagnosedAura
Finding Comfort During a Migraine...When the pain of a migraine is crashing down on us, it makes sense that we would seek comfort. While our medications are one form of comfort, there are additional...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Is this page funded by Pharmaceutical Co’s...I’m starting to wonder if this page is in fact one big pharmaceutical site. It seems that every other article is a plug or advertisement for CRGPs, particularly pro not...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAwarenessChronicCGRP
Anyone having eating disorders caused by migraines....I get migraines everyday, and end up puking up a-lot, last 4 months I have been puking up regardless if I have a migraine or not. Now I am basically...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesTips & AdviceCopingDiet & Nutrition
Does anyone have these triggers, cough, sneeze, bending over ?...I get migraines every time I cough, sneeze, bending over, and putting my head down to sleep, with Aura. or no Aura....Reactions0reactionsComments38 repliesAuraChronicTriggers
An Interview With My Husband About My Migraines...I’ve always loved The Beatles. So on the first night I met my husband and noticed he had a Beatles poster in his room, I was intrigued. What if we...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Anyone on Ajovy get constipation...I have had worsening constipation on Aimovig. I want to switch back to Ajovy but not sure my insurance will cover it. Anyone on Ajovy get constipation? Anyone have experience...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSide EffectsCostCGRP
implanted nerve stimulators for chronic migraine pain control...My life with chronic migraines Pain Management for chronic migraines Being at the end of typical migraine therapy and still suffering Implanted nerve stimulator to control your migraine pain Controlling...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Positional migraines? Pain goes away when lying down ...At a loss.. I’ve been suffering from migraines since I was a teenager, they weren’t too frequent so I’d maybe have 1-2 a month and it didn’t really bother me...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Colonscopy Preparation...Advice for colonscopy - the preparation triggers migraine...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTriggers
My Life of Migraines and Headaches...The first I can remember getting "headaches" was in the 6th or 7th grade. I would get them so bad I'd just have to lay my head down and most...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
My Migraine Story...I am not good at communicating. Please bear with me. My struggle with this disease began in 2006. I was on an adventure with a friend. We were riding our...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Bursting Water Balloons and Fireworks?...I have suffered from bad headaches since I was in elementary school. My parents and doctors attributed my headaches to not wearing my glasses as a kid. After I had...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments