Active yesterdayTrying to keep your job...Hello fellow migrainers. Unfortunately, I have been dealing with them for over 10 years. I was on disability from 2017 to 2021. I went back to work and had no...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Active 2 days agostrange symptoms...I've always been good at spelling & sometimes a side effect of migraine is I can't seem to spell. It is strange & frustrating to someone who loves to write...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesSide Effects
Active 2 days agospeech issues ...When my migraines get super bad I have so much trouble with speech. I'll forget the word, or even the entire topic. It's really frustrating. Anyone out there have a...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTips & AdviceAwareness
Active 5 days agoMigraine doctors...I live in the mid west. Omaha NE area. I've had migraines for 40 over years, been on verapamil and sertialine for over 20 years. I'm concerned I'm having side...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
Active 5 days agoVICI Oh-My-Migraine patches working well...This is not a paid endorsement, I don't even know how all that works. I hardly ever even comment if something does work, but I have to pass it on...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesTreatmentDiet & NutritionTips & Advice
How Do You Discuss Quality of Life Issues With Your Provider?...Those of us with migraine, know that migraine can cause many different symptoms. Those symptoms can impact our day-to-day life from, little to no impact, to severe disability. The way...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Active 8 days agofrequent auras that do not become migraines...I am a 75 yr old lifelong migraineur. recently I had open heart surgery in 2023. I woke from the surgery with a huge aura and continued to have many...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTreatmentSurgeryAura
Active 4 days agoMigraines are better, but SIL doesn't want me to babysit...Long story short, I was "restructured" out of my job because of migraines. And I'm at retirement age so just threw in the towel. I have been using magnesium patches...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesFriends & Family
Idiopathic Intercraniac Hypertension...Does anyone else have this? I was just officially diagnosed. My neuro was thinking it was a possibility, and we did a lumbar puncture. The results were positive, my cranial...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesDiagnosisNewly Diagnosed
Diet...I've been using the Migraine Summit's elimination diet for almost 2 years, still having chronic daily Migraines but with somewhat less severity some days. When I showed it to my...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesDiet & Nutrition
Occipital migraine ...My migraines have always been up the back of my head very very painful in the occipital nerve. I now have them almost every day and I'm waiting to see...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesChronic
Bewildered...Hi it's me Susan. I recently had a MRI to find out why I was getting migraines. The MRI showed spine damage and she mentioned operation or alternative cortizone shots...Reactions0reactionsComments4 replies
Active 4 days agoAnother trigger which sent me to bed for 2 days...I am Jewish and I keep Kosher. Anyway, I went to the Kosher store to get a piece of baked salmon and I noticed that they had vegetable lo mein...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Under Attack: Mental Health and Migraine Stigma..."Are you stressed?" How many times has a well-meaning friend or physician said this? I wish there was a magic wand to relieve my stress! This begs the question though...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Self-diagnosed Migraine...I haven't been to a GP for diagnosis of migraine. However most of my symptoms suggest one especially morning headaches and near bedtime ones. I've also been sensitive to sounds...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
waking up with early morning migraines...I have been having migraines for years, over 40 years them most of the time. I do have neck issues so that could be a factor. I can not take...Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies
Diminished effect...So often when you are on a specific treatment after a few months or maybe a year, the effects seem to wane. I'm 63 and this has been my experience...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
40+ years of chronic jaw pain and headaches...I was pregnant with my son at 29 and the worst headaches started. O..f course I could only take Tylenol, so I suffered. When I was 32 chronic jaw pain...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesDiagnosisCoping
How do we build community to support each other when we can't get out of bed?...The concept of community has always been something I thought about mostly because I feel I don't have a community. I didn't fit in with this group or that group...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
Active 4 days agoneck pain triggers migraines...I have had migraines over 50 years. I also have a bad neck from accidents. I am really suffering between my neck hurting and migraines. The Nebraska cold weather does...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesSymptomsWeather