migraine with aura during pregnancy...I also noticed that aura shows up but there's no headache....Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies
Side effects of Nortriptyline?...I haven't noticed any improvement in my headaches so far but I have noticed a few side effects....Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTreatment
Migraine and Eye Surgery ...And am still having headaches nearly everyday. My docs seem unconcerned,and say just keep taking your meds....Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesTriggersSurgery
New to migraines...I have horrible headaches, blurred vision, aura, dizziness, nausea etc. People try to help me but they just don't understand, and they make it worse....Reactions0reactionsComments14 replies
Am I safe to drive?...yesterday I had the continuation a a weeks long dull headache, but no brain fog, so I drove 40 minutes out of town. while in a shop I had...Reactions0reactionsComments4 replies
Losing Hope...I’ve been seeing a headache specialist for 10 months with infusions, trigger point injections, and Botox....Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies
Propofol - anesthesia / cured 2 month migraine...The surgery cured my 2 month headache!!! I have had chronic migraines for 30 years. Get the word out! Ask your doctor....Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTreatment
Ice Cream or Iced Milk or Sorbet...I tried it with a MILD headache at the very beginning and did get brain freeze and to my surprise that pain did diminish with the brain freeze....Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies
Mood Issues/Emotional Auras?...For prodrome I generally have energetic/focused mood and frequent urination as much as a day before and up close to the headache (within hours or overlapping...Reactions0reactionsComments11 replies
Tapering from Butalbital and Klonopin...He said if you need help go to the diamond headache clinic in Chicago (where I have been an inpatient in 2004) or Jefferson in Philadelphia??...Reactions0reactionsComments14 replies
Finding the Right Doctor...I have been to several "headache" clinics, hospitals, etc. and have had 93 procedures (i.e., nerve blocks, botox) and 31 brain surgeries....Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Help! Need Advice on Managing Studying and Working....Most of the time I’m in headache or drugged from the pills. I hope someone read this and help me in anyway....Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesWork & EmploymentTips & Advice
Self-Pay?You Gotta Be Kidding!...I'm trying to avoid an expensive trip back to the Jefferson Headache Clinic in Philadelphia....Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
No one has figured this out in 20 years of my life...When i wake up the severe pain in my head is usually gone and I have what I call a headache hangover....Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesDiagnosis
Going dairy free...Has anyone tried going dairy free to help with their headaches? If so, has it worked? Was it difficult? Do you have any tips?...Reactions0reactionsComments6 replies
Botox...I had Botox injections two weeks ago, and my doctor told me I should begin to see results within a week or two, but ever since the injections, my Reactions0reactionsComments17 repliesTreatment
Migraines get much worse in hotels, why?...My headaches have actually been better at home but much worse in hotels. I do not get sick when I travel and stay at someone's home....Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Is this normal?...Recently I was also diagnosed with Ice Pick headaches which in my case are ten times the pain of my migraines....Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesDiagnosis
Symptoms ...In fact I wasn’t experiencing headaches at all....Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesChronic
Need some answers ...Over the past several weeks / months I would start to get a headache which would get worse and worse and then I get slurred speech and dizziness to...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesSymptomsTips & AdviceDiagnosis